Story in: January-2024

Story: Bangladesh can become a significant player in the nonwoven industry

Bangladesh can become a significant player in the nonwoven industry

Bangladesh can become a significant player in the nonwoven industry as the market offers huge opportunities and the country also has a great potential to develop in this industry. Now is the right time to grow this sector to meet local and global demand.

Nonwovens are innovative, creative, versatile, high-tech, adaptable, indispensable and biodegradable. This type of fabric is produced directly from the fibers. So no threading step is required. The manufacturing process is short and simple. Whereas it takes about 6 months to produce 5,00,000 meters of woven fabric (2 months for yarn preparation, 3 months for weaving 50 looms, 1 month for finishing and inspection), it takes only 2 months to produce the same quantity. Imported non-woven. Therefore, whereas the production rate of woven fabric is 1 m/min and the production rate of woven fabric is 2 m/min, but the production rate of non-woven fabric is 100 m/min. Moreover, the production cost is also low.

Also, nonwoven fabric exhibits special properties such as high strength, breathability, absorbency, durability, lightweight, retarded flame, dis-possibility, etc. Due to all these phenomenal properties, the textile sector is moving towards non-woven fabrics

Nonwoven fabric has become a key component of the man-made fiber market. Despite our huge demand in Bangladesh, there are only a few non-oven factories, such as Asia Group, Chittagong, AB Group, Savar; Haji Enterprise, Narayanganj; Simura Non-Oven Limited, etc.

These factories are producing only PP span-bound non-woven and cannot meet the local demand for non-woven fabrics. As a result, to meet the market demand, the largest quantity of nonwovens is imported from various countries like China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Korea. According to a statistic, Bangladesh imported non-woven fabric worth USD 188.99 million in 2012-13 alone.

Bangladesh can become a significant player in the nonwoven industry as the market offers huge opportunities and the country also has a great potential for development in this industry. The time has come for this sector to grow to meet local and global demand.

Non-woven fabric is often called the future of the textile industry because its global demand and versatility are only getting higher and higher. By developing this sector, Bangladesh can save foreign exchange, strengthen the country's economy, create new employment opportunities, and open many new possibilities and opportunities for the country. -Editor


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