Story in: August-2024

Story: Why is it important for us to keep the air clean?

Why is it important for us to keep the air clean?

Animals cannot breathe without oxygen. And oxygen is in the air. So clean air is essential for human health and life, and also, air pollution is the highest environmental risk to human health. It is a major preventable cause of death and morbidity worldwide.

The 2030 Agenda, promoted by the United Nations, recognizes in its roadmap that reducing air pollution is essential to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals. That's why today, and every September 7th, is International Clean Air Day for Blue Skies. Every year there is a theme, and this year is "The Air We Share".

We all breathe the same air, we just have a common atmosphere that protects us, so, pollution is a global problem, so we can work on it. The invisible particles of pollution enter our lungs, blood and body. They are responsible for one-third of cerebrovascular deaths, respiratory diseases and lung cancer. These consequences lead to the urgent need for us to act globally, to raise public awareness at all levels and promote and facilitate action to improve air quality.

We believe that a change in the world is possible, and for this reason, we always want to improve to obtain a lower rate of air pollution in material production. At the same time, we want to share information that keeps people informed and aware of the situation. We share and create actions, to encourage people to change habits that are not harmful to the air we share. -Editor


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