Pleated Panel Filters
Our Pleated Panel filters are specially designed for industrial, commercial and residential HVAC systems having light to medium dust holding conditions. Panel filters are widely used as prefilters or to protect heating/cooling coils from becoming coated with dirt.
Synthetic and Fibreglass Media and Rolls
We offer synthetic and fibreglass media and rolls designed for light to heavy dusty loading conditions and automatic roll media used in renewable-media air filters. Media is available on cores to fit all other manufacturer’s equipment.
Box Style High Efficiency Filters
Our box style high efficiency filters are designed for service in HVAC systems with difficult operating conditions such as variable air volume, turbulent air flow, repeated fan shutdown or moderate to high humidity.
High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters (HEPA)
Our high efficiency particulate air filters (HEPA) can remove up to 99.97 percent of particles as small as .0003 millimetres from the air. With active carbon filters, they can simultaneously remove odours, fumes and noxious gases.
Source: Online/NAN
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