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Felt cloth may not be well understood and familiar to many people in life, but it is widely used in many places. Some manufacturers will use colored fabrics to make different bags with bright colors. The matching and reasonable design of the designer has received great attention in the fashion industry and is the new darling of the fashion industry, which is very popular with consumers.
Colored wool felt bags have unique malleability and resilience, making wool products more durable than other fibers and man-made fiber products when properly maintained regularly. Wool care felt fabrics by following the care instructions on the product tag to keep them looking and feeling new for longer.
Wool felt bags were all in the form of textiles, mainly in the form of non-woven fabrics at that time. Felt bags made of wool have a very soft texture and are very strong; And the fiber has good elasticity, comfortable touch, and very good compressibility, as the wool felt bag is folded into the processed product. After that, it can immediately return to the original. After adding fiber, the structure can be made more compact and it can be assembled without special treatment, which is very convenient.
The editor above wants to explain to you why bags made of colorful felt fabrics are so popular. Bags made of felt are not only beautiful and elegant, but the price is not too high, and the raw material of felt can be used twice, which is also environmentally friendly. To contribute, kill two birds with one stone.
Source: Online/NAN
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