Poster in Nov 01, 2023 16:20:09

A short Feature about Nonwoven Fabrics in Medical and Healthcare

A short Feature about Nonwoven Fabrics in Medical and Healthcare

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Have you ever seen a medical drama on TV? Or had surgery at a hospital or outpatient clinic? -Hospital operating rooms are full of non-wovens and you've either seen them on TV or in person. Nonwoven offers many advantages in the medical/healthcare market. Here is an example.

Operating room personnel wear single-use non-woven surgical gowns when in the operating room. Nonwovens are also used to make surgical drapes. The advantages of using nonwovens are protection from the patient's blood and body fluids and they are sterile.

Millions of people all over the world acquire HAI (Hospital Acquired Infection) resulting in tens of thousands of fatalities every year. There are many causes for acquiring infections in hospitals, one of them being during surgery (commonly referred to as SSI – Surgical Site Infection). Nonwoven medical drapes and gowns can help prevent the spread of bacteria and microbes during surgery, thereby reducing the risk of SSIs/HAIs.

Band-aids are something almost everyone has used at one time in their lives. You get a cut and put on the band-aid. That little nonwoven fabric in the middle protects the wound and speeds healing by keeping the area moist and free from infection.

Examples of Nonwovens in the Medical and Healthcare Industries

* Bandages

* Cast paddings & covers

* Surgical drapes

* Dressings

* Surgical gowns

* Packs

* Sterile packaging

* Sterile overwraps

* Surgical masks

* Swabs

* Underpads

As the days progress, people are moving towards non-woven items. It is not a personal wish of anyone, it is a vital need of the hour, and day by day it will only increase.


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